Jazz In The Kitchen

Remember when we enjoyed live music? Remember when our musicians performed brilliantly for us, and our admission fee helped them make a living? With your help we can change that – at least a little bit.
Mark Eisenman (piano), Mark Micklethwaite (drums), and Steve Wallace (bass) have had over ten rehearsals here at JazzInTheKitchen.ca, complete with studio recording and several camera feeds. We have at least 50 entertaining videos to share with you, and a new feature: audio playlists.
If you want a very entertaining overview of what it’s like to be a jazz musician these days, please read this great article, ‘PANDAMIT‘, by our one and only Steve Wallace, in September’s Whole Note magazine. You’ll find it on page 23, here.
AND – here’s Steve’s latest in The Whole Note featuring the Jazz In The Kitchen’s ‘COVID Sessions‘. We are indebted to Steve, and especially to The Whole Note, for including us on pages 15 & 16 in their November 2020 issue.